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Service Programs and Social Justice

All School Drives

SUA Community D.R.I.V.E.

The SUA Community D.R.I.V.E. is in February and lasts for several weeks.
D.R.I.V.E. stands for Donate, Respond, Invest, Value and Educate, important components as we teach our students to develop broader community views, build relationships and meet the needs of our neighbors. During this drive, each grade is matched with local non-profits serving those who are hungry in our community. Students are encouraged to bring in reusable bags full of donations, such as non-perishable food, dry goods, and money. 

Personal Care Drive

The annual SUA Personal Care Drive is a collection of personal care products donated to local agencies that support the needs of the marginalized. The Personal Care Drive takes place in October. Agencies we have supported in the past include Lighthouse Youth Services (shelter), HOPE Emergency and Bethany House Women’s Shelter.

Service Programs

Bulldog Buddies Tutoring Program

The Bulldog Buddies Program is a tutoring and mentoring program designed to foster the growth of students from local Elementary Schools. The high school mentors and their little buddies meet for an hour every week to work on a variety of academic activities at local elementary schools or recreation centers. 
Open to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors 

Student Outreach Services

The goal of Student Outreach Services (SOS) is to motivate and coordinate students to do service in the greater Cincinnati community. The student leaders of this Co-curricular apply to be part of a leadership board. These student leaders decide on various agencies at which they would like to volunteer. Then they create presentations about their outreach opportunity and recruit other students to volunteer with them at a particular nonprofit agency. The service commitment is most often once a month. A few examples of the agencies we partner with are:
  • People Working Cooperatively
  • LaSoupe
  • St. Vincent de Paul

Social Justice Club

Using the pillars of Catholic Social Teaching,  members will raise awareness, take action, and respond to issues of justice locally and globally.

Some events we sponsor:
  • Awareness Weeks focused on widening our frame about issues such as Human Trafficking, Immigration, Women's History and Environmental Justice
  • Mission Collection for Developing Nations: A monetary collection in advisory for developing nations – projects chosen based on theme and student input.
  • The Bulldog Boost Coffee Shop: A student run fair trade coffee shop in our student center.

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