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Scholarships are vital to Saint Ursula’s commitment to diversity. For many young women qualified to enroll at SUA, the tuition can be financially prohibitive. 30% of our students receive financial aid. Without this assistance, these students would be unable to attend Saint Ursula Academy. The need for assistance is great. At this time we are only able to provide 60% of the documented financial need of our students.

If you are interested in establishing a named scholarship, the minimum investment required is $25,000. This can be achieved through a one-time gift or several gifts over a period not to exceed 5 years. Additional contributions to a named scholarship are encouraged to increase the corpus of the scholarship and ultimately provide additional funds for students.

All endowed scholarship funds are placed in a commingled pool of funds, which is administered according to current investment policies as determined by the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees; only the investment and dividend income is used for financial awards. Scholarship funds provide meaningful tuition assistance to students with demonstrated financial need.

You can also contribute to existing scholarships:
  • The Ursulines of Cincinnati Scholarship
  • Alumnae Association Scholarship
These scholarships support any student with financial need.
  • Julia E. Schmidt Diversity Scholarship
  • Diane Holloway Curtis ’66 Diversity
These scholarships were created to increase and enhance racial, cultural, and economic diversity.
  • Geri Walsh Educational Services Scholarship
This scholarship supports students who qualify for the Educational Services Program.


Gifts to annual scholarships provide funds for immediate use. These funds are not invested and will be used fully in the academic year following receipt of the gift.
The Saint Ursula Leadership Alliance (SULA) was created in 2011 by alumnae and friends who wanted to generate more funds for annual financial assistance. SULA was established with 18 founding members, all strong women who love SUA and want to help make the experience possible for future students.

SULA members make a commitment to provide 5 years of financial assistance, ensuring a qualified young woman will have the financial aid to sustain her for four years at Saint Ursula Academy. The fifth year will allow us to overlap ensuring no student falls between the financial gaps.

A five year commitment allows Saint Ursula Academy to forecast the amount of financial assistance available from year to year.  Gifts of any size are encouraged.  

Alicia Tidwell
Vice President of Community Advancement, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
513-961-3410 ext. 261
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