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Apply for Regular Admission

Apply for Regular Admission to the Class of 2029

Welcome 8th Grade Families!

We invite you to apply to Saint Ursula Academy by clicking the link below.  Please be sure to apply by November 26!


The SUA admissions committee examines completed applications along with the student profile.  This includes High School Placement scores, standardized test scores, and academic records for admission to Saint Ursula. The committee seeks applicants that show readiness for the rigorous college preparatory atmosphere at Saint Ursula Academy. 

Admission Criteria
For regular admission into the Class of 2029, the admissions committee will examine:
  • Completed applications (including a response to a Class of 2029 prompt)
  • Report cards from the 7th and 8th grade
  • Most recent standardized test scores/proficiency test scores
  • Attendance records (if not included on report cards)
  • High School Placement Test Scores

Michelle Dellecave
Director of Admissions