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College Planning

Personalized College Planning

Each Saint Ursula Academy student is assigned to the same personal and college counselor for all four years. The strength of our seven-person counseling team allows us the time and energy to provide comprehensive, individualized college and career planning to each and every girl. Our curriculum begins in the freshman year and includes group guidance programming, small group instruction, academic advising, standardized assessments, and individual counseling. We believe that the best college “fit” encompasses academic, spiritual, social, and emotional components, and we work diligently in partnership with our students and their families to discover the best fit. All of our counselors hold a master's and/or doctoral degree in school counseling and are professional members of both the National and Ohio Associations for College Admission Counseling. Our counselors have also worked in college admissions offices.

Hallmarks of our college counseling program include the utilization of the Principles and You assessment in our career planning and exploration during the sophomore year, the Scoir College Admissions Network platform for our students’ organization, documentation, and planful discovery of potential colleges and universities, the 2-hour individualized college planning family conference in the junior year, career roundtables and lunch-and-learns to network with SUA alumnae professionals, and over 40 required touchpoints with counselors throughout the course of four years as a student at Saint Ursula Academy, providing for exceptional relationships and understanding throughout the college planning process.

Each year, approximately 75+ colleges and universities travel to meet with our girls in the fall visitation season. 100% of our students enroll in college upon graduation, and colleges recognize and recruit our students for their talent, tenacity, and potential to succeed. Our students enroll in universities across the country and the globe, including Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

College Credit Plus (CCP) is a program facilitated by the Ohio Department of Education to students the ability to take college courses for simultaneous high school and college credit.

A copy of our most recent School Profile can be found here.
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