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Saint Ursula Academy Signs Pledge Supporting Pay Equity for Women in the Workplace

SUA Signs Pay Equity Pledge

Saint Ursula Academy proudly signed the Hamilton County Pay Equity Pledge at an event coordinated by the Hamilton County Commission on Women and Girls. The 'Pay Equity Pledge' engages local employers, like Saint Ursula, to take proactive measures to address the systemic issue of pay inequity and close gender and racial pay gaps. The Hamilton County Pay Equity Commitment is a voluntary, employer-led initiative to help close the gender wage gap.

SUA is one of 40 local companies, non-profits, and government organizations that signed the pledge this year. Saint Ursula is proud to have policies already in place to ensure equitable pay and benefits for all its employees. 

Hamilton County reports 90% pay equity for women employed in the same roles with the same qualifications as their male counterparts. That’s higher than the 83% pay equity reported nationwide. 

“We are so proud to participate in the Pay Equity Pledge,” said Saint Ursula Academy President Lelia Keefe Kramer ’77, who attended the event with VP of Operations Jodi Clever and VP of Communications Jill Cahill ’84. “As educators of young women, our goal is to challenge each girl to become the best version of herself. When our students reach the world beyond school, it’s important they know they deserve to be compensated equitably for doing their best work and making a positive impact in whatever field they choose.”

Also participating in today’s event were Saint Ursula alumna Annalese Cahill ’19, who helped coordinate the event and serves as an appointed member of the Hamilton County Commission of Women and Girls, and current SUA student Catherine Barron ‘25, a student representative on the Commission.  

Ms. Barron spoke at the event, saying “Every woman and girl deserves the right to sit at the table where decisions are being made.” she continued, “The women on this commission are truly inspiring and have lit a spark in all of us to make change for a more equitable and just future.

Hamilton County Pay Equity Commitment began in 2021. Saint Ursula Academy is proud to join the organizations that have made the public commitment to pay equity.