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Graduating Seniors Donate Uniforms to Help Others

Saint Ursula seniors are leaving SUA for college, but they are also leaving a gift behind to help others. The new graduates were asked to donate their SUA uniforms to benefit girls in parts of Africa, where having a school uniform is a requirement before admittance to school.  The initiative started five years ago, when SUA senior Kenzie Corbin recognized the possibility of St. Angela's words of doing "much good for others," even during the final days of being a high school student. 

Again this year, donation bins were set up outside the Community Service Learning Office in May, and by the end of the collection, more than 6 large boxes were filled with skorts, shirts, sweatshirts, sweaters and gym uniforms.  The boxes will go to Matthew 25 Ministries, where they will be sorted and shipped to the appropriate locations. 

"While we know a school uniform may not have been the favorite part of each student's experieince at SUA, for some young girls in other parts of the world, having a uniform is life changing."
The senior class has donated uniforms every year since 2014.