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Theatre Department Announces Shows for 2019-2020 Season

New Thespian Society Members

The Saint Ursula Academy Theatre Department celebrated a great school year and season at its end-of-year banquet and celebration. Students who participated in any of the Theatre programs and productions attended the event. The group welcomed the newest members to the Int'l Thespian Society and recognized the graduating seniors and their contributions over the years.
Saint Ursula put on several performances in 2018-2019, including Just a High School Play, which was nominated for 13 Cappies Awards.  The season also included one act performances as part of the Directing Lab, which works with students to learn the art of Directing. The season concluded with the musical First Impressions.
The shows slated for 2019-2020 year are:
Fall: The Drowsy Chaperone 
Winter: Musical Theatre Showcase
Spring: 12 Angry Jurors