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Learning from Art in Social Studies

Learning from Art in Social Studies

Tuesday, August 23, 2016 - Cincinnati, OH  - Social Studies students from Saint Ursula Academy are learning about the Renaissance through art.  Teacher David Tonnis took members of the AP European History Class on a trip to the Cincinnati Art Museum to enhance their lessons. Students learned about Renaissance Art before picking out a piece of their own. It was up to the students to then explain to the class how the piece they chose fits in with the characteristics of the Renaissance and its context in European History. This trip is one of the six trips AP European History students take to the museum throughout the semester to learn about the history of European Art and Culture.

The Cincinnati Art Museum is right up the road from Saint Ursula, and with the 4-bell block schedule, students have plenty of time to get there and back before their next class!

Pictured here are Clare Puttmann and Sarah Thornton.