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SUA Students Collect Donations for Hurricane Relief

SUA Students Collect Donations for Hurricane Relief

September 2017- Cincinnati, OH - Saint Ursula students will spend the whole month of September trying to help victims of hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Starting September 8, the school started its "Stuff the Stetson" campaign to encourage students to donate money to the relief efforts. The plan was started to assist victims of Hurricane Harvey, but has been expanded to include Hurricane Irma relief.

All month, students will have the opportunity to make a donation every Friday during their lunch break.  All of the donations will go to Catholic Charities, USA, (CCUSA)who have promised 100% of donations will be used for relief services for victims of both storms.  CCUSA is the official domestic relief agency of the U.S. Catholic Church. CCUSA’s Disaster Fund supports response and recovery efforts in all affected areas of Hurricane Harvey and Irma, including direct assistance, rebuilding, and health care services.

"We also reached out to our sister Ursuline School in Dallas where students will be doing outreach, helping those in Texas impacted by the hurricane," said Saint Ursula Community Service Learning Director Rachel Kemper.

Ursuline of Dallas and the National Catholic Education Association said monetary donations would be of great help because of how quickly needs can be met with readily available funds.

"After seeing all the devastation, the students were eager to help. We jumped into action to make sure we can best meet the needs of the storm victims and assist our Texas sister school with their efforts."

The collections will continue all month and the community at Saint Ursula Academy will keep everyone affected in our prayers.